Join us May 6th at 7pm for the exciting book launch of Magician and Fool by Susan Wands! The book talk with Susan Wands will be led by Laetitia Barbier (author of Tarot and Divination Cards: A Visual Archive). Don’t miss this chance to get a signed copy by Susan Wands at Sideshow Gallery Chicago!
Pamela, a seer and empath, is hired by a cult to design tarot cards, and discovers she must summon the muses of her cards, the Magician and Fool, to help her thwart her nemesis, Aleister Crowley, an up and coming magician with the Golden Dawn. Crowley has issued a threat: give up the creation of the tarot deck, or he’ll harm her muses. A war of magicians begins.
Susan Wands is a writer, tarot reader, and actor. For thirty years, she works as an actress on Broadway, in films, regional theatre, and an off-Broadway troupe Rumble In the Red Room where she performed her own material. Her adaptation of Pride and Prejudice was performed at the Cornish Institute in Seattle Washington and new works at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, where she was a company member. Susan has lectured at several Occulture Berlin Conferences and with Morbid Anatomy on tarot and the artistic life of Pamela Colman Smith. A co-chair with the NYC Chapter of the Historical Novel Society, she helps produce monthly online book launches and author panels. Susan’s historical novel featuring Pamela Colman Smith is the first of a series, Magician and Fool, Book One Major Arcana Series, is published by SparkPress in May 2023. The second book, High Priestess and Empress, will be published by Spark Press in 2024, and Emperor and Hierophant, the third book in the series, is in final edits.