Fellowship of October Fire
Matthew Ryan Sharp

“Fellowship of October Fire is a physical manifestation of an energy that exists on the property our family lives on. Spirits that began tapping me on the shoulder and whispering in my ear in the Autumn of 2020.

…This exhibition is what I consider, the first entry of a visual journal. Snapshots of folklore and energy that I have felt over the years, here in this small Ohio farming town. These stories become heightened as the leaves begin to fall. I have felt compelled to create these illustrations and relics to the best of my ability in order to help rid myself of some sadness that seems to be just over my shoulder.

..Things once plagued by fire and smoke, with a new breath of existence. However, this is just the scratching of the surface. Nearly all of the work for this exhibition was created with materials that survived the fire in 2020.”

— Matthew Ryan Sharp